Sunday, March 05, 2006

know thyself...

So I went to open gym at a local middle school the other night. My sister had told me about it. A nearby church sponsors the freebie time and anyone could go play, regardless of affiliation. Iniitally, my sis and I were going to go together, but she became ill. I went anyway since I am always up for basketball, regardless of how horrible I may be.

Those of you who know me well, you know that I am agnostic. My immediate family are regular church goers. And by regular, I mean, at least weekly. They all say grace at dinner time and go to Bible study, etc. So yes, they are believers.. and I am not.

Anyway, one of first things that the group did was stand in a circle and prayed. Out of respect, I bowed my head and was silent for the duration. And then we played ball for the rest of the evening.

So, a few days later, I was talking to my sis and mentioned that I did not expect the prayer part, that it was kind of weird for me. She asked me why, and I didn't have a good answer for her. So I have been thinking about it and I think I've figured it out. Yes, it seems kind of weird that I didn't put the two together, but sometimes that's how my mind works, or not work, depending on how you look at it.

My answer is: I felt uncomfortable in that situation because I felt like I was going against my own beliefs. Out of respect for others (because everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs about things), I will usually bow my head and be silent during those situations. But yes, it really makes me uncomfortable. And yes, it is because I don't believe in the same things, and I am compromising my own beliefs.. I think that is why I don't like situations like that. So there it is, I said it.


Matty P said...

It's not compromising your beliefs to respect others belief. Your action probably felt like you were selling your own beliefs out, but you weren't.

If you go into some households, you take off your shoes. Same thing - doesn't mean you have dirty feet ;)

Anonymous said...

Does agnostic mean one who doesn't care if God exists or not? Or does agnostic mean one believes in God, but a God who only observes and doesn't interfere?

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, Laura, I feel the same way. Our beliefs are very similar (I don't know if you knew that already, or not) and I sometimes find myself in similar want to honor their right to their belief but don't want to dishonor your own. Just wanted to let you know it is nice to know that someone else feels the same way as I do!