Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So for some reason, I got to thinking about volleyball on my drive home from Portland on Saturday...
Then I started thinking about that volleyball guy that looked like the Fisher guy...
Then I started thinking about how ugly the Fisher guy was...
But I could not for the life of me remember what his name was...
Was it Al? George? Bob? Mark? Gary? (no, Gary Fisher is the bike brand)...
I thought and thought and thought, but couldn't think of his name...all the way down from Portland... (Henry?)
Alas, the article in today's Fundfire solved that mystery...
Ken Fisher...

Friday, November 10, 2006

I am a Text Twist geek

I like Text Twist
I can play for hours on end

My high score is 100,000 something

Sunday, November 05, 2006

confessions of a basketball addict...

I love the game, that's it. Simple as that. Although I've never played until high school, I immediately grew to love the game. Funny thing about it is that I am not the most coordinated person in the world, but I still like to play. It doesn't matter if my team won or lost, I still have a good time.

But it gets very frustrating at times because of my lack of experience on the floor. My fundamentals aren't strong so I am constantly fighting myself when the other team puts on pressure. But my love for the game keeps me playing and so I started managing my own rec team back in college so I can play more often.

Managing a team has its pros and cons. You make the administrative decisions, but at the same time, it can be frustrating to recruit players. For the most part, I have been lucky in that the players we've had have meshed well together, and we have consistently had a core group of players who attend every game. Some days are better than others though.

I am not even sure why I am rambling. I guess I just wished that it wouldn't be so stressful at times. I wished that I had more experience and could see the floor better. I wish that my fundamentals were better so I can run the floor and not freak out at signs of pressure. I wish that we don't have trouble finding new players. There are plenty of things I wish I were better at. I guess that's what they mean when they say "for the love of the game.."

Postscript - After I wrote the first part of this entry, I thought about it some more... I came to the realization that I've lost sight of why I enjoy this game so much, of why I keep playing even though it can be so frustrating at times, why I still manage the team despite the stress that it can bring...it is all because I love playing this game. I've been so focused on winning and how to build a team that will win games, I forgot why everyone was here in the first place. I forgot that is why my teammates and I have come together - it is because we all love playing this game. That is how we all got here in the first place. It's not all about winning. It's about playing and enjoying this game. That's all.