Sunday, March 05, 2006

distance makes the heart grow fonder...

Every once in a great while, I catch an old friend of mine online. We've known each other since high school and have managed to keep in touch throughout the years even if we do not live in the same area anymore. As we've both grown older, we have become very different in some ways. Nonetheless, whenever we have the opportunity to chat, it always surprises me that it feels like we could tell each other anything no matter what. It is REALLY COOL.

It is also kind of weird because the last time we spent time together in-person was 4 or 5 years ago. And I don't even really remember what we did. I think we went out for dinner, or something. We probably just caught each other up on what's been happening in our lives and chatted up a storm.

Sometimes I miss my friend. There were some tough times that this person has helped me through and was there for me when I could not confide to anyone else. Perhaps that is why I feel so comfortable talking my friend, even though I couldn't tell you what kind of foods my friend likes, or even what my friend's favorite color is, or what kind of car this person drives now.

I am glad that I met this person. I am glad that this person is still in my life. I am glad I have this friend.

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