Saturday, March 25, 2006

corporate accounts payables, this is Nina speaking.... Ju-st a mo-ment..

So it seems that my work phone number is one digit off from some research institute. See, every once in a while, I would receive a phone call asking for someone that didn't work there. While that's nothing unusual, the ones where they start leaving incredibly detailed descriptions of their menopausal symptoms are...

The first phone call came about 3 or 4 months ago. Some lady had left a message on my voice mail inquiring about participating in a study on menopause. It wouldn't be such a big deal if she hadn't started to leave complete descriptions of the symptoms she had experienced - you know, "dryness", and I'll just stop at that one to save you from the graphic details. Unfortunately, she must have been calling on her cell phone, because all the crackling muffled out the contact phone number she had left. Thus, I had no way of reaching her to tell her she had the wrong number.

A couple of weeks later, the same lady calls back. This time, I was at my desk and answered the phone. Literally, the first words out of her mouth after I had said "Hello, this is Laura" were "Yes, I am calling about the menopause study..." Lucky for me, I was able to interject before she began another lengthy description of her symptoms. I felt kind of bad because she was obviously embarassed, even over the phone, but hey, I figured that she would at least know why she hadn't gotten a call back and I wouldn't get anymore strange calls.

Go figure, earlier this week, I answered my work phone as usual "Good morning, this is Laura." First words out from the caller were "Yes, I am calling about the sexual dysfunction study..."

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