Sunday, April 09, 2006

wide world of sports

Sports are really awesome, especially team sports. It brings so many people together from different backgrounds. I have met so many wonderful people from playing different sports. When you get a bunch of personalities that just gel well, it makes participation even more enjoyable.

I think that one of the best examples is my basketball team. I am amazed at the cohesiveness of this team. I don't think that I've ever been around a group of people who have so much fun together being silly. We range from age 25 to 41, tall, short, quick, strong, etc. Our backgrounds are all different, only that we all managed to end up together at this point in time.

Over the weekend, the team went out (on a non-game night) bowling and had a blast! It was also refreshing to be around each other in our everyday clothes and not be covered in sweat! We were all strangers not that long ago. Now, it doesn't even faze us to yell out "Are you wearing underwear?" to each other in the middle of a game.

I know that people come and go, but I hope that this one sticks around for a long time :-)

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