Monday, April 24, 2006

gimps central.. or just me???

So after I posted that entry about the sports injuries, it was only fate that I would eventually do something really damaging to myself... At least I waited until the entire weekend was over and I had enjoyed all the different activites and the sunshine including a slight sunburn)...

Even though I won't know for sure how much damage had actually occured until I see a doctor (hopefully tomorrow), I am currently on crutches and incurring some major calluses in my armpits! I managed to sprain my ankle pretty badly this weekend at my basketball game. Both the inside and outside of my right ankle are black and blue. I don't think that I broke anything, but the ligaments (already pretty loose, I would imagine, from all the prior sprains) are even looser now, I would guess. (ok, I really wanted to say "postulate" instead of "guess" for some reason, but that just sounded weird)... I was going up for a jumper in the lane as the defense collapsed around me. When I landed, my ankle simply gave out. The funny thing was, even though I was in a lot of pain, and dripping sweat (it was the middle of the 4th quarter), I was more embarassed about being the center of attention. It seemed like forever before the pain subsided enough that I could relax a bit and stop clawing the other players who had offered me their hand to grip. When I finally was able to sit up, my teammated grabbed my arms and legs and had to carry me off the court.

Although I did manage to go to work this morning, after a while, the ankle started throbbing because all the blood had flooded to my ankle - which it is what it should do if my immune system is functioning properly. I ended up going home early and stopped by the drugstore to rent myself some crutches, hopefully, I won't have to use them for more than a few days. Then I spent the remainder of the afternoon on my living room couch, leg elevated, ice bag over my ankle, and nothing to do except for watching on TV or reading the stuff I had brought home from work. Mind you that my internet connection wasn't working correctly, so I couldn't even fry my brain with some surfing.

I finally ended up calling Comcast Tech Support a little while ago. See, my place is on two levels. The host computer that is hardwired to the cable modem and router is on the second floor. My computer, is on the first floor. I managed to get Comcast on my cell phone, then hobble around with my crutches to the stairs (which isn't exactly a gradual climb), hung on to the cell phone with my teeth without disconnecting the guy, and hopped up the stairs one at a time. Then once I got upstairs, I hopped around on my good ankle to disconnect the power on the router and modem, while trying to evade the mishmash of wires and cables behind the desk. Once that was taken care of, I hobbled back down the stairs, still with the cell phone in my teeth (and drool all over fabric phone-holder-thingamajig), and to my computer. Did I mention that I had an ice bag taped to my bad ankle the entire time?

So, now, it is around 7:45pm. I am at home, thinking about all the activites that I will miss this week: yoga class, softball practice, volleyball game, soccer game, basketball, etc etc... Hopefully it will be well enough by Sunday so I could at least get off my ass and go outside for a while, even if it is just watching from the sidelines... maybe my body is telling me something, eh?


Anonymous said...

Dude! Nobody should be injured and without internet. That's like adding insult to injury. No wait, that IS adding insult to injury. Let me know if you need some tech supp mojo. I got your back. Provided it ain't broken. Then maybe you should see a doctor...


leper11 said...

doc said no breaks, no tears, gave me anti-inflammatory pills for my bloated ankle/foot, big safety support boot to wear until I can walk more normally, then see him in two weeks...oh, and I need to take my time getting back into things... whew!