Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My crazy computer...

okay, maybe I shouldn't call it crazy because it might quit working on me again. But somehow, miraculously, my computer decided not to reject my reconnection efforts tonight. My computer ("Boo") is once again reading signals from the router and not puking up. Wow! I think it was June or July when my computer first went down. Now, it's almost November! So, let's hope this lasts, if you want me to post more often. Boo will hopefully be behaving better. Maybe my iPod will finally work too? That would be very exciting. Maybe all this came about tonight because I happened to be upstairs and noticed that I hadn't looked at a bunch of old boxes in a while. And guess what? I found my very first mp3 player from 6 or 7 years ago. It only holds like 128 megs of music, or about 12 songs, but hell.. it had traveled with me on many plane rides back fit perfectly in my pocket, on the opposite side of my leatherman tool (which has been banned from carry-ons and pockets since 9/11), and it was just about enough music for a quick trip home from SF, to Mel's in Bako, or to Butthead's place, wherever it was at the time. I thought I had lost it someplace (like I thought I had lost my driving sunglasses this past week), but it must've been hiding to surprise me. Now, if only my car insurance company would get my deductible back from the jerk that hit my car, so I can pay off my credit card... that would be way cool...if that happens, that means, I can pay for the eye exam and contacts that I need, and the foot orthodics that will hopefully bring me less ankle pain...and if I find a post player for my basketball about winning the lottery too? wow! what a concept!

I guess I'll be crossing my fingers all the way through Christmas!!!

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