Saturday, July 29, 2006

the latest scoop...

My computer at home has been down for the last several weeks, thus, no blogging as of late. Work has been terribly busy so my lunch times are spent relaxing and trying to get away from it all.

Since I last blogged, I found out that I will be having surgery on my gimpy ankle to remove the bone spur at the end of my tibia. After seeing an ankle specialist for a second opinion, who also happens to be the surgeon, it was determined that my ankle needed to heal up more before he wants to cut up my ankle. In the mean time, I needed to continue my ankle strengthing exercises to rehab the sub-talus joint that I have injured so many times, including this latest episode this year. I will also need to get custom orthodics made so that my flat feet will be less prone to sprains. Long story short, it was both good news and bad news. Good news being that I don't have to worry about coming up with funds for a surgery as soon as I had thought, and that I can continue playing sports (the doctor said so :-) ). Bad news being that I will have to have surgery in the near future, but on the flip side, it will prevent any chronic ankle problems as the birthdays keep coming.

Since I last blogged, I also had my 29th birthday. It is really not any different than any other birthday. I spent my birthday hiking the Trail of Ten Falls at Silver Falls State Park just east of Salem, Oregon. Although the weather had been in the 90s-100s that week, the hike was pretty comfortable, since the trail led in/out of a small canyon. I hiked the entire trail in about 3.25 hours and saw 9 of the 10 waterfalls along the way. I was feeling pretty good about the hike since the ranger said the hike would take about 4 hours, and I had my gimpy ankle to work with. Not too bad in an afternoon's work.

Since I last blogged, I went through a small hitting slump in my softball games where I was hitting and getting on base, but with singles and doubles. I came out of the slump this week with an in-the-park 4-bagger and another triple this week. It felt a little better after those. At the same time, I wished that I gotten to play in some tournaments this year, but just wasn't happening with the injury. Had hoped to play in the Play 4 the Cure tourney again this year, but no luck there either. D and I are going up to La Grande to play in the Moonlight tourney next weekend though. They use the larger .47 core balls for both the men and the women, so that should be a nice challenge.

That is all for now.

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